I just had a few things other than reviews to share today.
1. Blood and Chocolate:
I was at Walgreens on Monday (iced tea was on sale!) and I saw the move "Blood and Chocolate" on sale. I picked it up to look at it, but didn't buy it because I wasn't sure if it was really based on the book (by Annette Curtis Klause) or if it was just coincidence. When I got home I checked IMDB (the Internet Movie Database, which is one of my favorite time-wasters/toys) and found that it is supposed to be based on the book (link for movie). So I rented it of course! The movie was pretty good – a nice werewolf story that focuses on the lore of the loup garoux – but it was almost NOTHING like the book. Don’t get me wrong – the movie was good (probably to rent, not buy), it just wasn’t at all what I was expecting.
I was wondering if anyone else has read the book and/or seen the movie and if you had thoughts about it?
2. If you read my blog much you probably know that I teach 5th grade. I am also about 80% finished with my masters in a Reading Specialist program. For the classes I’m taking now, I had to create a blog that I use to reflect on and process the materials we are using in class. It will also become a place to plan an inquiry-based unit of teaching. If you are curious, it is called “the bookish advantage” – based on a quote by Mark Twain (“The man who doesn't read good books has no advantage over the man who can't read them.”).
And finally, the teacher and the reader in me loved this post by Amelia at “Imagination in Focus” about C.S. Lewis. Everyone knows him for “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe,” but Amelia points out that he did so much more.
Have a great Friday and a relaxing weekend!
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